My kreative pursuit for happiness
About me
Hello I'm kre8iveshack (or just Shikira) and I gave birth to my little idea called Kreative Pursuit about 4 years ago.
I studied a BA in printed textiles and surface design many, many, many years ago now. However, my passion for wellbeing drew me to a career as a holistic beauty therapist.
I've also had a career as an Art and Design Technician and Teacher in mainstream and a school for children experiencing emotional social and behavioural difficulties. Boy was that hard work!!!
Anyway, after feeling completely underwhelmed with our education system and seeing its massive contribution to the rise in children and young people's mental health problems....
Together with being overwhelmed by the crazy work load....
And seeing no great benefit to the children. I had to ask myself...
How could I have a greater impact on our children, young people, adults?... basically everybody.
Whole communities!
What is the one thing that could actually help boost peoples mental health and happiness?
I was also experiencing my own issues, feeling lost and stuck in a career I didn't like. I needed to find my inner creative bug again.
Boooooom! Kreative Pursuit was born!!